April | Poetry Month | 28/30


Keep going! Every year, right around Day #28, I feel like I can’t write any more poems, but I do! So revisit the haiku, or the tanka, or any small poem that might get you to the finish line. There are only two more days to go. Today, I wrote about the park and getting ice cream on this 80 degree day. Keep the poems moving and flowing. Write about a moment - any moment in your day. You got this! Keep writing, keep moving, keep on! To be inspired, check out this amazing book by Richard Wright: Haiku: This Other World

Poem 28/30 excerpt

After staying at the park late

late with Spring sweat

and games of zombie crush.

Let ‘em run reckless

and a little bit wild. Stay

out later. Lean back

loose. Down two beers

when you get home

take all the breaths in

breathe all of them out.
