April | Poetry Month | 26/30


I love parks - all parks! Today, we celebrated a friend’s birthday in the park - complete with cheese doodles, lemonade and a massive and so delicious tres leches cake. Here is your prompt. Write about a favorite birthday party, or write about a favorite park - and maybe combine them! And be sure to check out the brilliant PUBLIC PARK zine created by Andy Powell with his beautiful poem along with beautiful photos from DFlo!

Poem 25/30 excerpt

We all love it. Tres leches from the best,

the BEST Dominican bakery on St. Nicholas

Kenya says. And we all have slices

that tumble over the paper plates.

And she hands me extra to bring home.

More for David and for us all later night.

We sing to Kamilah. The girls all cheer,

eat cheese doodles and buttered popcorn

guzzle lemonade. The whole afternoon

feels full of sugar. Whipped goodness

frosts our mouths, our masks,

the sweetness topping the day right off.