April | Poetry Month | 2/30

Already day #2 and I feel both buoyant and exhausted. Watching, watching the world around me. The weather hovering around 40 degrees and I am reminded how Spring can play tricks - how it blooms and hides. Comes alive and sneaks away from. Carrying us with it all along.


What is blooming around you? What is healthy and alive? What could use some nurturing and love? What needs tending? Write to both of those things in your life.

Poem 2/30 | excerpt

And I step inside myself

to downward dog, Hail Mary,

shoot bourbon or the like,

kaleidoscope, electric slide.

Front flip, back handspring

the way I used to in middle

then high school. Tumbling

up and over myself to a crowd

hollering and rough housing.

Go on be rough house inside

the stretch of my expanse. Widen

my stance, loosen my belt. Wide

and wider. Toe touch back

bend. All the space is mine.