April | Poetry Month | 14/30


All month, I have been steady on my gratitude and thankfulness in my journal. So my prompt is try it out today. Make a list of all the things you are thankful for. Large and small. Everything that pops up for you: people, food, locations, sayings, items, keepsakes - every thing that comes up for you. Write it down. Draw lines to connect your list. Do these things connect and speak to each other? Use this list to craft your poem. Have everything show up in unexpected and unique ways. Stay thankful!

Poem 14/30 excerpt

Say break wide open the stereotypes and assumptions. Go on and write about being all the parts of you that make you. And oh yeah I think. Oh yeah, oh yeah there is this. All this love on the open mic. All this laughter- all these snaps and hollers off mute. Oh yeah heart. Oh yeah lungs – wilderness of body and voice – stretching up, up, up!